Connections: 10 Summer Days to Start High School Well
Connections: 10 Summer Days to Start High School Well is a package to give you ideas for developing a summer program to welcome your new ninth graders to high school.
The first video below is a promotional video that we used with our middle schools a couple of years ago. The second video is Matt and me talking a little bit about our history and the success it has brought to our freshmen.
The package includes an ebook, a Google doc with all our forms, and 10 videos demonstrating our afternoon activities.
We love it and hope you find it beneficial as well!
All the best,
Todd and Matt
What’s included!
The Ebook
Upon purchase, you will be able to immediately download our book to your device.
Table of contents:
Acknowledgments and Thanks
- Three Sentences That Sum It All Up
- Why Freshmen Attend
- The Secret Ingredient: The Mentors
- It's Different Than School: Opening the Day Well
- What We Teach in the Morning And Why It Matters
- Doing Lunch Different
- Reading Is Always Important
- Hearing the Adult Perspective on School Culture
- The Afternoons Are The Main Course
- Team Size Matters A Lot
- Protecting Competition So It Brings Belonging
- Talk to the Mentors Every Day Or They Will Fail
- Recruit Freshmen
- Recruit Upperclassmen
- Link Crew Invitation Letter to Recommended Students
- A sample timeline for the recruitment of mentors for Connections
- Training Mentors
The Mornings
- An Outline of How We will Explain the Activities
- The Opening Activities
- Circle Up
- The Red Rectangle
- Airplanes
- 1 to 100
- George and the Eagle
- Rock, Paper, Scissors
- Paper Towers
- Spoons
- Scooter Relays
- The Classes
- High School 101
The Afternoons
- Pics and Cards
- Pics and Cards Instruction Sheet
- Outline for Carded Locations
- Warrior Olympics Day #1
- Ping Pong Ball/Spoon Race
- Fireman's Pass
- The Walk of Silence I
- Walk of Silence I: Assignments
- Walk of Silence I: Scoring Guidelines
- Drama on the Stage
- The River
- Warrior Olympics Day #2
- The Walk of Silence I|
- The Amazing Race
- Notes on Preparing the Packet
- Closing Ceremony
- Re-Connections
The Forms
Upon purchase, you will be sent a link to all editable forms through Google Docs.
List of available forms:
Invitation to Apply for Connections
Speaker Sheet
Text from Connections Flier
Why should a freshman attend Connections?
Link Crew Teacher Recommendation Form
Email to Sophomores and Juniors: Apply!
Sample Evaluation of Connection Applicant
Mentor Daily Task List
Mentor Worksheet for 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
The Mentor's Final Paper
Creating a Signature Sheet
High School 101 - GPA/Credit Review Activity
Pics and Card
Drama on the Stage Score Sheet
Walk of Silence Il - Check-in Roster
Walk of Silence I: The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
The Walk of Silence | & II: Texture Sheet
Rules of the Amazing Race
Amazing Race - Sample Questions
Drama on the Stage Instructions and Situations
The Videos
Upon purchase, you will be sent a private link to all example videos.
List of videos:
The First Day of Connections
Pics and Cards
Warrior Olympics I
Fireman's Pass
Walk of Silence I
Drama on the Stage
The River
Warrior Olympics Il
Walk of Silence Il
The Amazing Race
Closing Ceremony