Examples Matter
We did a training yesterday for our Peer Tutors working in our online classrooms. This a pilot program for our Apex platform. Many students who fail classes and are moved to the Apex learning platform are in need of constant attention.
We focus this attention through a clipboard carried by an upperclassman we recruited to be in these classrooms.
In our training on Monday we provided examples of the kind of feedback we are expecting. There are two simple questions:
Where did the student start the day?
What are the key observations/actions from the day?
Examples of what to write on the clipboards:
Started on Unit 3.2
student was on another website
struggling with point-slope formula
needs to be moved to a different part of the room
In looking at the record sheets immediately following last week’s training, we were impressed with the attention to detail these AP students were able to bring to their work with a simple example. Our ability to monitor student progress was increased. The tutors’ understanding of what we expected was manifest.
Examples are powerful things.