Finding the Solution: Easy!
The solution is one step away from the problem in the right direction.
Reminding Us About What We Forgot
Sometimes we need a reminder of all that we know. This list is a great prompt for teams to dwell in the details and make things happen for freshman.
Don't Really Want to Talk About Trust
If there’s a secret sauce in education, it’s trust amongst adults. . . But don’t tell anyone. Here’s my definition.
The Questions of the Week: The 2018-2019 Collection
For 11 years I have ask a Question of the Week at our weekly team meetings. If you do this, freshmen grades go up. I know that sounds crazy, but I believe it enough to set aside 10 minutes of our team time very week and our freshmen do great work. Don’t miss this!
My Life Among Freshmen and the Adults Who Teach Them - A TEDx Talk
In 2019, I summarized the work of The Freshman Academy in a Tedx talk. This provides a good overview of how the adults approach our work with freshmen.
What My Principal Says
This is a good summary of my work at Washington High School from my principal’s perspective. This is a regular video series created to recognize the work of District staff.
Like a Man on Fire!
You don’t need to read this. Here is my crash and burn recovery effort after a rough 1st semester.
Need to Get THIS Done When Talking to Mom and Dad
Parents matter!
Parents appreciate timely contact.
Parents are almost always open to ideas to help their kids.
Here are four things to accomplish during a parent contact that cut through teacher fear and parent disappointment and get things done.
450 New Freshmen. 90 Minutes. Really?
In two weeks 450 freshmen will enter our building for a District mandated visit. If it were a holiday, it would be New Freshman Day. The visit is only 90 minutes long and we already have 2000 people in the building. Space is limited. So what’s the goal?
Ramping up . . . Again
It’s spring. I read the paper this morning for the first time on my 3-season porch. Which means I’m thinking about fall. Which means I’m thinking about the class of 2021. Which means I need to ramp up . . . again.
Demonstrating the Obvious
Here are the facts. They are obvious facts as most could guess these realities without the data, but I have the data. It is also interesting that I have never seen these school realities in black and white. Maybe educators have thought they were so obvious that no one needed to go through the effort.
How to Honor Mentors
We have 35+ adults that come to our building each week to mentor students. We partner with Lutheran Social Services in recruiting, training, and managing the paperwork of this process.
These adults are fantastic. They are low maintenance and generous.
We do two specific things to honor their time.
A Must Read For Teaming
There is one book that I keep going back to when working with teams. It keeps me grounded and focused. It’s The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni.
The Trip Test – A System for Following Up on Freshmen
The student is called to our conference room. He enters the room and there is a slight hesitation as he sees four teachers and myself sitting at a conference table with an empty chair at one end ready to receive him.
Impacting a Student in Less Than Five Minutes
The following list came out of a discussion during our weekly staff meeting about how to impact a student in less than five minutes.
This is the list that we came up with.
An Idea of What Parents Want from Conferences
So what do parents want when they come to conferences? As I sat at conferences last night and watched parents navigate the maze, I had time to consider and observe.
They want a clean, well-lighted environment that is safe and easy to navigate. Part of that starts with being greeted as soon as they come into the building. The plan for the evening should be immediately evident.
Thoughts on homework at the beginning of the year
I want to declare to teachers the importance of homework:
Homework is the currency of learning. Just like other currencies, the value is not in the paper but in what it means, what it represents. In this case it represents learning.
Examples Matter
We did a training yesterday for our Peer Tutors working in our online classrooms. This a pilot program for our Apex platform. Many students who fail classes and are moved to the Apex learning platform are in need of constant attention.
Proximity is Power
In two ways proximity is king. The first is just being present, around, near, or available. When teachers are near, students usually do better. The second is that solutions are found near the problem. In fact good solutions are only one step in the right direction from the problem.