The Questions of the Week: The 2018-2019 Collection
For the last 11 years, I have asked a Question of the Week almost every week during my meetings with teams. These questions remind us who we are. They help us laugh and cry and think. Every week I’m surprised by what I learn about these great teachers.
Questions cultivate relationships that strengthens our work with freshmen. While I can’t measure it, I’ve convinced freshmen do better when the adults are having a good time together.
Here are the questions I asked during the 2018-2019 school year:
Can you update us on your family and events of the summer?
Can you tell a story with a rain storm?
Can you tell a story that includes leaves . . . from a tree?
Can you tell a story about a pet?
Can you tell a “someone scared me as a prank” story?
Can you tell a story about when you found or lost money?
What will be different about Christmas this year?
What surprised you over Christmas break?
Do you have a story that includes a card game?
Can you tell a story about your car breaking down?
In addition to your content, what one thing do you wish you could teach the freshmen on your team?
What is your favorite piece of artwork of any medium? . . . or a time you went to a museum.
What is your memory of parent/teacher conferences as a kid?
Can you tell a story about when you dropped something?
Do you have a restaurant pet peeve?
Do you have a story about flooding or sandbags?
Do you have story about being nervous before a big presentation?
Can you tell a story that includes an elevator?
What is the coolest thing you have seen in the sky?
Can you tell a story that includes a movie theater?
Can you tell a story of a time you almost died?
Can you tell a story about something great going on with a family member?
What is the day you are looking forward to the most this summer?