Priceless Summer Drama: Freshmen Deliver
Tis Shakespeare in thee summer during Connections. Here is the way we do our Drama on the Stage. It’s a dramatic event you don’t want to miss!
Connections @ Washington High School
Check out our promo video for our summer program we call Connections. We secured the help of Josh Novak to shoot and produce this helpful tool to let freshman know that Connections is worth 10 days of their summer!
Summer Team Building: The Gym is Flooded!
This is one of our favorite afternoons during our 10-day Summer Connections for in-coming freshmen. It commands commitment and generates amazing discussion.
Summer Connections: Why are you here?
On the first day of Connections, the stunned, silent and newly minted freshmen sit in rows like statues in our Little Theater. They are holding their Connections schedule, eyes forward, and straining to look nonchalant.
Summer Connections: Why Should Freshmen Come?
Last year as I was being introduced to a group of eighth graders at a middle school, the 8th grade teacher paid Connections a wonderful compliment. She said, “In all the years that I’ve had my eighth graders come back and talk to me about high school, I’ve never had one say they didn’t enjoy Connections.
Summer Connections: The Schedule
Connections is ten days long. We start at 8:00 and end at 3:15. In ten days students go from concerned eighth graders to more knowledgeable freshmen who can better manage themselves and lead others through the first month of high school. They are still nervous, but knowledge and experience are good ballast for the open waters of high school.
Summer Connections: The Amazing Race
This is the most intense and the most difficult event of the team challenges. We wanted to do two things: 1.) We wanted to amp up the difficulty and really put pressure on students to deal with each other. 2.) We wanted students to have a common experience.
Summer Connections: The Warrior Olympics
We created this to help establish a team type atmosphere amongst our groups. It is done on 2 different days in our afternoon sessions. One day fairly early on in the session (Day 3 or so). The second day around day 6 or 7. This helps set the tone for our Team Competition for the session.